The Impact of Dirty Air Filters on Your AC Unit

A professional performing a repair on an air conditioner on a wall of a North Fort Myers home.

Your air conditioner is one of the most important appliances you own. However, in order for your AC to do its job of keeping you comfortable, you have to maintain it. While routine maintenance plays a role in AC protection, nothing is more important than having clean air filters. Let’s look at how dirty air filters impact your AC and can lead to needing air conditioning repair. 

If you need air conditioning repair in North Fort Myers, Custom Cooling & Heating can help. Contact us online or call (239) 731-5545 to schedule an appointment today.

Overworking Your Unit

The main way that a dirty air filter impacts your air conditioner is that it has to work harder to force the same amount of air. While your blower fan will also take a hit, the bigger impact could be on your air conditioner. 

You see, as your air filter gets dirty, it gets clogged and makes it harder for air to pass through it. As a result, your air conditioner has to put forth more effort to generate cold air and push it through the filter. This can lead to the need for air conditioning repair in North Fort Myers.

Shorter Unit Life and More Frequent Repairs 

The harder your air conditioner has to work, the shorter its lifespan will be. The average air conditioner lasts for 15 to 20 years, but an overworked one will last half that time. You will also have more breakdowns, resulting in more air conditioning repair bills. Between constant repairs and having to pay for a new AC, changing your air filters is a much cheaper option. 

Can Create Ice on Your AC Lines 

During Florida summers, a dirty air filter can create a perfect scenario for ice-ups. Between the high heat and humidity in the air and the extra work your air conditioner has to do to force cold air, it often results in freeze-ups. The air remains trapped inside your air conditioner for too long until it eventually freezes to the sides of your coils and down your AC lines. You will need to turn off your AC and give it time to thaw out before you can use it again. 

Frequent Cycling 

Another thing you’ll notice if you have dirty air filters is that your AC cycles on and off more often than normal. This happens because your AC has to run longer and won’t remove humidity as effectively with a dirty air filter. This will likely result in air conditioning repair in North Fort Myers.

Air Conditioning Repair in North Fort Myers

If your AC isn’t working as it should, you need your air filters changed, or it’s time for an air conditioning repair, Custom Cooling & Heating can help. From routine repairs and maintenance to replacements and installations, we’re the North Fort Myers team to call for all your AC needs. Call (239) 731-5545 today.