Top Strategies For Improving Indoor Air Quality With Your AC System

An HVAC technician with a yellow hardhat performing AC service to an AC system in North Fort Myers.

If you live in the North Fort Myers area, indoor air quality is a huge concern for homes and businesses. Florida is subject to high amounts of salt, humidity, dust, and other contaminants that can make it difficult to breathe indoors. 

If you or another occupant of your home or business has allergies, asthma, or respiratory issues that are worse when they move indoors, there’s a good chance you have poor indoor air quality. The best way to solve this issue is with AC service in North Fort Myers and by making upgrades to your system to improve your indoor air quality. Custom Cooling & Heating Inc. is here to help. Contact us online or call (239) 731-5545 to schedule a consultation.

Install a Purification System 

The best AC service to instantly improve your indoor air quality is with an air purification system installed within your HVAC system. There are a variety of HVAC air purification systems you can choose from, including UVC lights, oxidation technology, and ionization technology. Each of these systems uses different mechanisms to remove particles, contaminants, and contagions from your indoor air to make it as clean as possible. 

Upgrade Your Air Filters 

Another AC service in North Fort Myers is upgrading your AC air filters. While all HVAC systems are accompanied by air filters, they aren’t always the best on the market. Therefore, by upgrading to high-efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA filters), you will increase your ACs efficiency while creating cleaner air inside your home or business. 

Clean Your Ducts 

If you live in Fort Myers and have a central air system, there’s a good chance your poor indoor air quality is due in part to your ducts. Duct systems in Florida are prone to dirt, pollen, and moisture, which is a good recipe for mold. By having your ducts cleaned, you can eliminate mold spores and improve your air quality. 

Increase Airflow 

Another issue that can lead to humid, stale air is when you don’t have enough airflow. The more often air gets circulated through your HVAC system, the cleaner and fresher it will be. 

Contact Custom Cooling For AC Service and Upgrades 

The best thing you can do to improve indoor air quality in North Fort Myers is to invest in AC service from Custom Cooling & Heating Inc. AC service will include a thorough cleaning of your AC system, and we’ll ensure it’s optimized for maximum humidity removal. We can also assess your system and recommend any upgrades above to improve your air quality. Call (239) 731-5545 to make an appointment so that you can breathe easy again.